Lesson 3: Engine attributes
Before this engine can do any calculations it requires three attributes:
Number of servers
Pmf of the number of arrivals
Pmf of the service duration
Pmfs are expressed as Python dictionaries, where each key is an integer in the support of the distribution and each value is a probability. For example,
{2: 0.3, 3: 0.7}
assigns probability 0.3 to 2 and probability 0.7 to 3.
Here are the attribute assignments used in this tutorial:
engine.number_of_arrivals_pmf = {2: 0.3, 3: 0.7}
engine.service_duration_pmf = {1: 0.6, 2: 0.3, 3: 0.1}
engine.number_of_servers = 2
By default, this particular engine assumes that the system is initially empty. You can confirm this by asking the engine for the pmf of the number of entities in the system:
Here is the output:
{0: 1.0}
This shows that the number of entities in the system is zero with probability one. In other words, the system is initially empty.
Here is the complete code so far:
from qplex import StandardMultiserver
engine = StandardMultiserver()
engine.number_of_arrivals_pmf = {2: 0.3, 3: 0.7}
engine.service_duration_pmf = {1: 0.6, 2: 0.3, 3: 0.1}
engine.number_of_servers = 2